The GCSA Senate

 The Student Senate is a part of the Student Government and is the legislative branch of the Gordon College Student Association. The Senate governs the association in a way that represents and serves the best interests of the student body. The Senate currently has 10 elected positions, 9 representing each Residence Hall, and one representing commuting students. The Senate’s powers and responsibilities are defined by the GCSA Constitution and Handbook. This includes both the governing control of GCSA internally, as well as serving as the representative voice of the student body. Some of the Senate’s annual tasks include: evaluating and voting on GCSA club budget proposals, granting charters to new student organizations, nominating and confirming candidates for positions within GCSA, championing initiatives to improve the student experience at Gordon.

Responsibilities and Duties of GCSA Senators

  1. Regularly participate in Residence Hall community events to build a relationship of trust and get to know individual residents.  
  2. Actively engages with students in their Residence Hall in an informal manner.   
  3. Hosts “office hours” or other forms of resident availability in their Residence Hall in order to engage with students and hear feedback about campus issues 
  4. Meets on a regular basis, no less than once per month, with their Residence Life staff  
  5. Prepares a monthly report for the Student Senate concerning the issues facing their fellow residents.   
  6. Participates in weekly meetings of the Student Senate 
  7. Actively participates in or leads one of the three Senate Committees – (Student Life, Academic Affairs, or Intercultural Engagement)  
  8. Collaborates with other students and administrators on initiatives to respond to student needs

Standing Senate Committees

The Senate is compromised of multiple standing committees, all of which are defined by the Handbook. These committees work on various Student Government initiatives to represent students and improve their campus experience. All Senators will be appointed to serve on one of the following committees:

Committee of Student Life
The Committee on Student Life Works to enhance the student life experience. The committee advocates for student needs with respect to the wholistic student life experience, college services, and applicable policies of the college.

Committee of Academic Affairs
The Committee on Academic Affairs works to enhance student success by promoting academic initiatives and lobbying for changes in policy at the administrative level. The committee will work closely with faculty committees, the Office of Academic Initiatives, and other institutional leaders to ensure that the academic program of the college is serving student needs.

Committee of Intercultural Engagement
The Committee on Intercultural Engagement monitors the colleges’ development and implementation of programs and services which offer support, advocacy, engagement, and sense of belonging for students from historically marginalized and excluded identities. In collaboration with key campus partners and MIO leaders, the committee promotes the wellness for BIPOC and other historically marginalized students utilizing an intersectional perspective.